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What is a database

A database is
an organized collection of data. Like a address book or phone book. But when people use
the term Database, they are almost always mean database-management system (DBMS).

database-management system (DBMS)
Is at lest a Database file, a form to enter the data, a form to display the data
and a way to store the data.

Data Manipulation Language (DML) A Single Propose Language. (ASPL)
Data Manipulation Language consists of database statements used to retrieve, insert, update and delete records
from database tables. Like the SQL part of SQLite3 or clipper for dBase3.

Flat File Database
A flat file Database is a Database that stores data in a Local Single File.
Table(s), where each row represents a record, and each column represents a field.
Like a CD collation, Phone book.
In the case of SQL. It can be a relational database with indexes.

Local database
A database with a database file on the same computer as the input and output forms.
It can have 1 table or mutable tables, and can be a relational database or not.

Enabled database
A database used by a program. Like a web browser.

Client Server Database
The form, Client(s), that is used to enter/retrieve the data is on one computer.
and the Database file(s) is on an other.
SQL is a Client Server Database. SQLite is not.

Example of databases systems
SQLite a local database. And all other SQL variants Client Server Databases.
SQLite it used as an embedded database. Like in web browses.
The key feacher of SQLs (Structured Query Language) is the fact it has it's Query Language build in.
And the Query Language is vary similar between SQL variants.

Table    The rows, columns, and the data.
Field    A column and it's data.
Record    A row and it's data.
Item    One peace of data. Like first name.
Cell    A single item in a gread.
Cursor    A pointer to the current record (row).
Dataset    The contents of a single Database table.
Edit    User can edit items in a record. The record is not save until a post is preformed.
Insert    Add a new record.
Post    Saves the record.