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Howto compile CGI scripts in Codeblocks.

*Download and install Codeblocks.
Windows CODEBLOCKS IDE Download.

*Open Codeblocks.

*Create a new project.

*Create a console app.


*Name your project. Like PostData.
Note or change the "Folder to create project in...".


You are hear:

Under Project -> Build options.

*Copy the code "PostData.cpp " from Some examples of CGI scripts And.
Replace whot is in your main.cpp editor.
Press the button or Build -> Run.
New in the codeblocks project directory. The sub-directory PostData.
In that directory there is a sub-directory bin/debug.
That is where PostData.exe is.
Rename it PostData.cgi and copy it to c:\apache24\cgi-bin directory.
New you can use it.
